Deflationary Collapse Ahead?

Our Finite World

Both the stock market and oil prices have been plunging. Is this «just another cycle,» or is it something much worse? I think it is something much worse.

Back in January, I wrote a post called Oil and the Economy: Where are We Headed in 2015-16? In it, I said that persistent very low prices could be a sign that we are reaching limits of a finite world. In fact, the scenario that is playing out matches up with what I expected to happen in my January post. In that post, I said

Needless to say, stagnating wages together with rapidly rising costs of oil production leads to a mismatch between:

  • The amount consumers can afford for oil
  • The cost of oil, if oil price matches the cost of production

This mismatch between rising costs of oil production and stagnating wages is what has been happening. The unaffordability problem can…

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Think you know your leaders of the Second International?


In August 1904, leaders of the socialist parties from around the world gathered in Amsterdam for the Sixth Congress of the Socialist International. Here, the twenty-five main leaders assemble for a photograph in the beautifully-decorated ‘Der Burcht’, headquarters of the Diamond Workers’ Union. Among them are representatives from four Continents, and several future leaders of nations.

After much staring (with a magnifying glass) at this photograph, courtesy of the International Institute for Social History in Amsterdam, I’ve managed to identify almost all of them (bar about five). For those of you who consider yourself Second International boffins  (or lucky guesses)… How many of them can you name?

(Answer at the bottom in ‘Leave a Comment’… I’ve done the easiest one for you!)

1. Henri Van Kol (1852- 1925)  Dutch Socialist leader. Van Kol was a wealthy man and a founder of the Dutch Socialist Workers’ Party (SDAP). He was an…

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Βιβλιοθήκες στην αρχαία Ελλάδα



Σε μια χώρα που γεννήθηκε το πνεύμα της επιστήμης και η φιλοσοφία, που η τέχνη έφτασε στο αποκορύφωμα της, που το θέατρο αποτέλεσε σχολείο υψηλού επιπέδου για όλες τις ηλικίες, σε μια χώρα που δεν υπήρξε πόλη χωρίς θέατρο – μοναδικό φαινόμενο στην ιστορία του πολιτισμού – δεν θα ήταν δυνατό να μην έχουν υπάρξει και αγαπηθεί και οι βιβλιοθήκες.

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Of Walls and Victims: Berlin Refugees Then and Now

Superfluous Answers to Necessary Questions

"Auf der Flucht erschossen" by Jimmy Fell «Auf der Flucht erschossen» by Jimmy Fell

On August 24, 1961, Günter Litfin was shot to death by East German transport police as he tried to cross the border to West Berlin. A tailor from Weissensee, the 24-year-old Litfin had climbed over the Berlin Wall, built only 11 days earlier, near the Charité Hospital. Police fired warning shots at Litfin while he was on solid ground, but once he jumped into the Humboldt Harbour and began swimming for West Berlin, they took proper aim and hit their target. His corpse was pulled from the water a few hours later by East German firefighters.

Early in the morning of February 6, 1989, Chris Gueffroy became the last person to be shot to death while crossing the Berlin Wall. The 20-year-old waiter decided to leave East Germany on the cusp of being conscripted into the National People’s Army. With his friend Christian…

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Μια ψυχιατρική προσέγγιση του νεοναζισμού στην Ελλάδα


Ο νεοναζισμός αποτελεί ένα κοινωνικό φαινόμενο και ως τέτοιο είναι κατανοητό ότι επιδέχεται πολλαπλές ερμηνείες από το χώρο των κοινωνικών και πολιτικών επιστημών. 


Η συνεισφορά της ψυχαναλυτικής οπτικής εστιάζει στη διερεύνηση των ασυνείδητων παραγόντων που απαντούν στην έλξη που ασκούν εθνικιστικές, απολυταρχικές ιδεολογίες συμβάλλοντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο στη συνάρθρωση του ενδοψυχικού και του κοινωνικού πεδίου.

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Βίντεο: Όρος Κάκαβος, Σκουριές (23.08.2015)


ΜΠΟΜΠΟΛΙΣΤΑΝ εν έτει 2015:


Τα ΜΑΤ που υποτίθεται θα είχαν καταργηθεί με αυτή την κυβέρνηση, φυλάνε μια παράνομη εγκατάσταση που υποτίθεται σταμάτησε αυτή η κυβέρνηση, σε αγαστή συνεργασία με την τοπική μαφία που υποτίθεται θα εξάλειφε αυτή η κυβέρνηση και επιτίθενται με κάθε τρόπο στους ανθρώπους που υπερασπίζονται το περιβάλλον στις #‎skouries που υποτίθεται πως για τον ίδιο αυτό λόγο εξελέγη αυτή η κυβέρνηση.

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Market turmoil

Michael Roberts Blog

As I write on Monday 24 August, stock markets around the world are taking another plunge.  Most markets have already fallen by 10% in the last month.  Why is this happening?

EM stocks

The reasons are clear.  The Chinese economy, now officially the largest in the world (at least as measured by the IMF’s rather weird purchasing power parity method), is slowing fast.  Every bit of data coming out of China shows a worsening situation for manufacturing output, investment, exports and, above all, the purchase of raw materials from other countries.  The drop in demand from China for basic commodities has caused a huge drop in commodity prices (the prices for oil, food, iron, coal, industrial metals etc).  This drop in prices means less export sales for the likes of Brazil, Australia, Indonesia, Argentina etc.  Also the Chinese are not buying so many BMWs, luxury handbags, machine tools, cars etc at…

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Ελεύθερη Λαική Αντιστασιακή Συσπείρωση



Το κείμενο είναι ο πρόλογος που έγραψε ο Σπύρος Μαρκέτος για την ελληνική έκδοση της βιβλίου του Γάλλου θεωρητικού Ανρί Λεφέβρ«Ο Χίτλερ στην Εξουσία – Διδάγματα από τα πέντε χρόνια φασισμού στη Γερμανία», το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε την άνοιξη του 2014 από τις εκδόσεις Αφήγηση σε μετάφραση του Φοίβου Μαριά.

Ο μικρός τόμος που κρατάτε στα χέρια σας αναλύει την κατάσταση στη Γερμανία όταν ο ναζισμός έχει πλέον εδραιωθεί, αλλά δεν έχει ακόμη εξαπολύσει τον πόλεμο για την κατάκτηση της Ευρώπης. Αποτελεί πολύτιμο τεκμήριο για την εποχή, όπως άλλωστε και το αντίστοιχο έργο του γνωστού Γάλλου ιστορικού, συγκαιρινού του, του τότε τροτσκιστή Ντανιέλ Γκερέν, Η φαιά πανούκλα, που μεταφράστηκε νωρίτερα στη γλώσσα μας και δίδαξε πολλά στην αριστερά, ιδίως στους αναρχικούς, ήδη από τη δεκαετία του 1970.1

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Intuition as a Method in Philosophy


Bibliographic Note: Deleuze, Gilles, Bergsonism, trans. by Hugh Tomlinson & Barbara Habberjam (New York: Zone Books, 1988), 13 – 35

My critical summary of Chapter 1 of Bergsonism. I provided my own examples apart from what Deleuze gave. This is an exercise in making reflective memos, a tip I got from Raul Pacheco-Vega’s blog.

In Chapter 1 of his book entitled Bergsonism, Deleuze emphasized that intuition is a method of ‘precision’ that follows a set of ‘strict rules’. This is indeed counter-intuitive to what we usually think as ‘intuition’. Intuition is not a gut feel; neither it is the feeling that wins you over a bet or a game of luck. It is, for Bergson and also for Deleuze, a philosophical method, a decisive turn in a given duration or state of things. Intuition provides us precise ways of knowing and differentiating lived experiences and reality itself.

Deleuze wrote that…

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How would a stock price crash affect us?

Fabius Maximus website

Summary: As so many of us expect, the US stock market might (might!) have begun the big rollover. If so, how might that affect the US economy? If you rely on the news, you’ll be surprised. Here’s a brief note; I’ll write more about this next week.  {2nd of 2 posts today.}

"Little Wonder" by Joe Maccer «Little Wonder» by Joe Maccer at DeviantArt.

The decline of stock prices in China and America will produce the usual flood of clickbait. In fact stock prices have only minor effects on the economy. In the 25 May 1970 issue of Newsweek, 3 major economists gave their views. Friedman and Samuelson are Nobel Laureates.

Henry Wallich: «After 1929, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped by about 90%. I see nothing of the sort ahead. And even if the stock market suffered further reverses, the economy still would not be decisively affected.»

Milton Friedman:…

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Greece: it’s unsustainable

Michael Roberts Blog

So the Greek parliament has approved the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Euro credit institutions for a third bailout deal valued at €86bn over three years (Greece MOU).  The terms of the bailout funding commit the Greek government to a new round of austerity measures, including pension cuts, tax increases, a ‘fire sale’ of state assets, a reduction in labour rights and an end to minimum wage rises and a reversal of public sector re-employment.

No wonder about 32 Syriza MPs voted no to the deal and another 11 abstained.  That means that the Tsipras government would not command a majority in parliament in any confidence vote if that rebellion was repeated.  Tsipras plans an emergency Syriza conference in September and then will probably call a general election for the autumn.  That adds a new political uncertainty to the implementation of this deal.


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Ποιος στα αλήθεια γεννάει το φασισμό;

η Λέσχη


Του Χρήστου Αβραμίδη

από το περιοδικό «Αναιρέσεις» , τεύχος 19

…τη γη ξαναμοιράζουν

Η σκύλα που γέννησε τον φασισμό , βρίσκεται πάλι σε οργασμό, φέρεται να είπε κάποτε ο Μπρεχτ.

Αλλά αλήθεια ποιος γκάστρωσε πάλι την σκύλα και ποιος είναι ο πατέρας και η μάνα του φιδιού; Αυτά και άλλα πολλά είναι τα ερωτήματα που απασχολούν όλο και περισσότερο τα mainstream ΜΜΕ και οι απαντήσεις τείνουν να διαπλέκονται με έναν μεταμοντέρνο τρόπο που θυμίζουν περισσότερο κουτσομπολιό παρά πολιτικό διάλογο και ανάλυση. Ο Σταύρος Θεοδωράκης μας είπε ότι φταίνε οι ακραίες ενέργειες, ο Θεόδωρος Πάγκαλος, μίλησε για τους αγανακτισμένους και όλοι μαζί δεν ξέχασαν να υπονοήσουν ή να αναφέρουν ότι πίσω από όλα  κρύβεται η αριστερά και οι αγώνες της.

Μαθήματα ευρωπαϊκής Ιστορίας

Η ιστορία διδάσκει, και δυστυχώς ή ευτυχώς, αποδείχτηκε ότι είναι ο καπιταλισμός που γέννησε και εξέθρεψε, τροφοδοτήθηκε και αναστήθηκε από τον φασισμό κάποτε. Επίσης “ Η…

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Why Syriza Failed


Recent events in Greece have baffled many observers. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras walked out of talks with Greece’s creditors, calling a snap referendum on their proposals. It appeared to be crunch time. Tspiras denounced the EU’s ‘blackmail-ultimatum’, urging ‘the Hellenic people’ to defend their ‘sovereignty’ and ‘democracy’, while EU figures warned a ‘no’ vote would mean Greece leaving the Euro. Yet, even during the referendum campaign, while ostensibly pushing for a ‘no’ vote, Tsipras offered to accept the EU’s terms with but a few minor tweaks. And no sooner had the Greek people apparently rejected EU-enforced austerity than their government swiftly agreed to pursue harsherausterity measures than they had just rejected, merely in exchange for more negotiations on debt relief. This bizarre sequence of events can only be understood as a colossal political failure by Syriza. Elected in January to end austerity, they will now preside over more…

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