Study: Teacher Prep Programs Get Failing Marks

Teachers are not coming out of the nation's colleges of education ready, according to a study released Tuesday by U.S.News & World Report and the National Council on Teacher Quality.

Teachers are not coming out of the nation’s colleges of education ready, according to a study released Tuesday by U.S.News & World Report and the National Council on Teacher Quality.

The U.S. spends more than $7 billion a year preparing classroom teachers, but teachers are not coming out of the nation’s colleges of education ready, according to a by U.S.News & World Report and the National Council on Teacher Quality.

The study says most schools of education are in disarray. Συνέχεια

Fighting for Our Classrooms, and for the Human Beings Inside Them

Erasing school desk(Image: Erasing desk via Shutterstock)It seems as if the same battle is being fought in every aspect of American society. On one side are the forces of egalitarianism, economic opportunity and self-determination. On the other is a well-funded and entrenched elite bent on hijacking our media, our political process and our institutions for their selfish ends.

Sadly, the classrooms of this country haven’t been spared.

Means and Ends

The Wall Street crowd wants us to think of education in terms of means – which usually means finding ways to spend less – rather than ends.  But when it comes to education, the “ends” are our children. And the means we choose for them, either consciously or through indifference, reveal who we really are as a people. Συνέχεια

Children and Hedge Fund Profits

Once people realize that their own children are being experimented upon and used for profits, the greed grab will end. The testing craze, the corporate education reform industry, the for-profit and non-profit charter industry, the online educational programing business, etc. will dwindle and either die out or become minuscule.

Child and money3

The profit margins are estimated, the marketing planned, and the technologies used to lure parents into believing that purchasable technology and the education of their children are one and the same thing – all of these and more are planned with little or no long term proof or assurances that children will benefit as little human beings. Create a brand. Do market research. Sell-Sell-Sell. Use fear marketing or exclusive-limited-edition appeal – whatever. Sell-Sell-Sell. (Edu-Brands: InBloom. Pearson, KIIP, Broad, White Hat, Uno, K12 Inc., Συνέχεια

Is competition in education killing our sense of community? By Valerie Strauss

Sarah Irvine Belson (

Sarah Irvine Belson

I recently published a post that slammed modern school reform as essentially an urban land reform project, written by Leslie Fenwick, dean of the Howard University School of Education and a professor of education policy, It said in part:

The truth can be used to tell a lie. The truth is that black parents’ frustration with the quality of public schools is at an all time righteous high…. The lie is that schemes like Teach For America, charter schools backed by venture capitalists, education management organizations (EMOs), and Broad Foundation-prepared superintendents address black parents’ concerns about the quality of public schools for their children.

Here is a related piece, written by a colleague of Fenwick’s, Sarah Irvine Belson, dean of the American University School of Education, Teaching and Health.

By Sarah Irvin Belson Συνέχεια

Some reasons why school vouchers are a bad idea for public education

Friday, March 18, 2011 – 10:54 am
The large majority of private schools are run by religious groups.

The U.S. Department of Education says 76 percent of private schools have a religious affiliation, and more than 80 percent of students attending private schools attend religious institutional schools. Συνέχεια

Σαν σήμερα το 1943 η κατοχική κυβέρνηση Ράλλη ιδρύει τα Τάγματα Ασφαλείας…

Ο Oρκος του ταγματασφαλιτη:

“Ορκίζομαι εις τον Θεόν, τον άγιον τούτον όρκον, ότι θα υπακούω απολύτως εις τας διαταγάς του ανωτάτου αρχηγού του γερμανικού στρατού Αδόλφου Χίτλερ. Θα εκτελώ πιστώς απάσας τας ανατεθεισόμενας μου υπηρεσίας και θα υπακούω άνευ όρων εις τας διαταγάς των ανωτέρων μου. Γνωρίζω καλώς ότι δια μίαν αντίρρησιν εναντίον των υποχρεώσεων μου, τας οποίας δια του παρόντος αναλαμβάνω, θέλω τιμωρηθεί παρά των γερμανικών στρατιωτικών νόμων”

“Τα Τάγματα Ασφαλείας αποτελούν την τελευταία εφεδρεία του Ελληνικού Εθνους”
Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αθηνών και πάσης Ελλάδας Χρύσανθος Συνέχεια

1199 ταινίες-ολόκληρη ταινιοθήκη για σας!




1199 ταινίες-ολόκληρη ταινιοθήκη για σας!

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Neoliberalism has hijacked our vocabulary Doreen Massey

LS Lowry's Going to Work 1959

‘We need to question that familiar categorisation of the economy as a space into which people enter in order to reluctantly undertake unwelcome and unpleasing «work».’ LS Lowry’s Going to Work 1959. Photograph: The Lowry Collection Συνέχεια

Κι άλλες συγχωνεύσεις και καταργήσεις σχολείων

Σε νέο κύμα υποβιβασμού, συγχωνεύσεων και καταργήσεων δημοτικών σχολείων και νηπιαγωγείων προχωρά το υπουργείο Παιδείας όπως προκύπτει από το σχέδιο υπουργικής απόφαση που διαβίβασε το υπουργείο Παιδείας στις Διευθύνσεις Πρωτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης ενόψει των μεταθέσεων των εκπαιδευτικών. Πρόκειται για συνέχεια της εφαρμογής της πολιτικής συρρίκνωσης της Παιδείας, για αποκρυστάλλωση των προσπαθειών του υπουργείου να εμφανίσει τα σχολεία με «δυσανάλογη οργανικότητα», να συλλέξει στοιχεία για την κατανομή των τετραγωνικών της κάθε αίθουσας (υπολογίζοντας 1,5 τ.μ. για κάθε μαθητή) κ.τλ. Συνέχεια

What’s the most ‘natural’ way to learn? It might surprise you


Here is a counterintuitive piece on what we consider the “natural” way to learn, from cognitive scientist Daniel Willingham. He is a professor and director of graduate studies in psychology at the University of Virginia and author of “Why Don’t Students Like School?” His latest book is “When Can You Trust The Experts? How to tell good science from bad in education.” This appeared on his Science and Education blog.

By Daniel Willingham

Which of these learning situations strikes you as the most natural, the most authentic? Συνέχεια

Περί «κοινών»


Περί «κοινών»Τα «κοινά» ως προγραµµατική µορφή της θεωρίας


Το ζήτηµα της «ανάκτησης», της «αποπερίφραξης», της «επανοικειοποίησης» ή/και της παραγωγής των «κοινών», και της συγκρότησής τους ως µιας µορφής «κοινωνικής δύναµης» απέναντι στο κεφάλαιο, µέσα από την αυτοοργάνωση και την αυτοδιαχείριση, την «άµεση δηµοκρατία» και την «αλληλέγγυα και συνεργατική οικονοµία», τίθεται σήµερα µε επιτακτικό τρόπο από διάφορες σκοπιές, και µε διαφορετικό πολλές φορές σηµαινόµενο,1 µέσα στο κίνηµα. Η παραγωγή και η διαχείριση των «κοινών» παρουσιάζεται όχι µόνο ως η «απάντηση των από κάτω στην κρίση», δηλαδή σαν ένα ζωτικό ζήτηµα που αφορά στην επιβίωση των προλετάριων, αλλά και ως πολιτικό πρόταγµα. Με ιδεολογικούς όρους αυτό σηµαίνει πως δεν παρουσιάζεται πλέον µόνο ως «εναλλακτισµός», δηλαδή ως αυτό που το κίνηµα της αντιπαγκοσµιοποίησης συνόψιζε στο σύνθηµα «ένας άλλος κόσµος είναι εφικτός», αλλά παρουσιάζεται από κάποια κοµµάτια του κινήµατος και ως το περιεχόµενο της επανάστασης της τρέχουσας περιόδου. Συνέχεια

Work and the Politics of Refusal

At the heart of recent discussions on work lies an enduring tension. We can sense that modern work isn’t working anymore, but we don’t know how to let go of it. The disintegration and degradation of wage labor through technological “progress,” increasing commodification and devaluation of reproductive work, steadily rising unemployment and precarious employment, and sustained attacks on the last bastion of permanent employment (the public sector) together with our desperate attempts to resurrect a corporatist corpse that won’t return, all point to the fact that modern employment “exists less and less to provide a living, let alone a life.” Marxist outliers (Andre Gorz, Ivan Illich, Antonio Negri, Zerowork) have been announcing a crisis of work for some time now, remarking how automation both reduces necessary labor time and degrades work without, however, releasing us from the obligation to earn money for a living. Today work persists in a zombie state despite the disintegration of working class culture and organizations and a continuous process of proletarianization. These conversations have returned in full force in recent years with the publication of Kathi Weeks’ groundbreaking The Problem with Work: Marxism, Feminism, Antiwork Politics and Postwork Imaginaries and a sustained interest in these matters in the Jacobin and even mainstream media. Συνέχεια

Updating Rosa Luxemburg Internationalism, and the 20th Century Detour of Statist Socialism

Anyone interested in understanding the economic and social woes of the world today and looking for cures may be drawn to the work of Rosa Luxemburg. Her analysis of capitalism and imperialism at the turn from the 19th to the 20th century reads as if it was written today. Colonial conquest in her lifetime resembles today’s quest for resources and the concomitant dispossession of indigenous and other peoples on the margins of capitalist societies. Her analysis of the Russian revolution 1905 with its apparently spontaneous and uncoordinated insurrections and mass strikes all across the Tsarist Empire could easily be translated into a description of roaming unrest from Tahrir Square, to anti-austerity strikes in Southern Europe, and Occupy Wall Street protests. Her warnings about the bureaucratization of unions, social democratic parties and the Russian revolution 1917 speak to the anti-statist sentiments shared by many of today’s altermondialises and indignados. Συνέχεια